
React dropdown select

Dropdown select for react

Customisable dropdown select/multi-select component for react with custom render callback props to override inner components

Install via npm:

SHELLnpm install --save react-dropdown-select


JSXimport Select from 'react-dropdown-select';

export const App = ({ options }) => (
    onChange={(values) => this.onChange(values)}



Create new entries
Dropdown handle
Stay open
Custom content renderer
Custom dropdown renderer
Custom dropdown item renderer
Keep selected item in a list
Close dropdown on select/deselect
Close dropdown on click input
Custom color
Dropdown position
Dropdown Height:
Dropdown direction
Add placeholder:
Search by field:
Label field:
Value field:

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    "email": "Marlon42@yahoo.com",
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Selected values:
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    "address": {
      "street": "Ziemann Lock",
      "suite": 6912,
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      "zipcode": "09803-6558",
      "geo": {
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    "phone": "1-294-568-2090 x33067",
    "website": "severe-strife.name",
    "company": {
      "name": "Carter, Mayer and Gerhold",
      "catchPhrase": "Persistent web-enabled knowledge base",
      "bs": "embrace distributed vortals"